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Piketty's Wet Dreams 0001 ---------- EUROPEAN CLIMATE VOUCHERS. .........

"1 signatures"

Could be considered as Climate Money. A currency in the form of vouchers, that can have both a positive and a negative value. Replaces ALL European subsidies and the complete system of VAT, which is a very antisocial system that stimulates consumption of climate-unfriendly products and services.



Europeans, who hope for a social and environmentally friendly society in harmony with our earth.



NO LONG TERM VISION on the installation of an European social and fair system of sharing economic and social burdens and benefits and without considering ENVIRONMENTAL and NATURAL RECOVERY as an ABSOLUTE PRIORITY to avoid further global warming. That the current European subsidies and VAT system contribute to global warming and that inequality between our citizens is increasing and that the feeling of happiness and their health is decreasing.


et requête

For a long-term vision (°) and for a new kind of economic system that actually tries to slow down global warming, on the one hand, and on the other hand watches over the fact that stimulating climate measures without measures that eliminate social inequality are doomed to failure. A lot of effort has to be made in environmental restoration.

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Adressé à :
Europees Parlement 
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