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Petition in Support of the Georgian LGBT Community and Against Discriminatory Legislation

Petition in Support of the Georgian LGBT Community and Against Discriminatory Legislation We, BEL-GEO FUSION, a Georgian non-governmental organization based in Belgium, express our deep concern regarding the ongoing violation of LGBT rights in Georgia and emphasize our unwavering support and solidarity with the LGBT community. The Situation in Georgia LGBT individuals in Georgia face daily violence, discrimination, and exclusion. Despite recent legislative progress and increased awareness, many LGBT people still endure physical and psychological violence in both public and private spheres.

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This situation is worsened by Russian propaganda, which fuels hatred and intolerance towards the LGBT community. Recently, the Georgian Parliament passed the first reading of a law aimed specifically at restricting the rights of LGBT people. This legislation threatens to further erode the rights and freedoms of LGBT individuals, rendering them even more vulnerable to violence and discrimination. While an anti-discrimination law exists, it offers only formal protection without effectively safeguarding queer people from these new legislative threats. The current Georgian government, formed with a pro-Russian orientation, openly pursues Russia's interests. It systematically harasses and arrests activists, free thinkers, and the pro-European community, with an increasing number of people detained each day. Our Request Protection of Human Rights LGBT rights are human rights. It is crucial that the rights of LGBT individuals are protected, allowing them to live in an environment of equality. Every person deserves respect, dignity, and legal protection, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Resistance to Discrimination We condemn all forms of discrimination and violence against LGBT individuals. We call on the Government of Georgia to take responsibility and ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all. Awareness and Education We aim to raise awareness and promote understanding, integration, and acceptance of LGBT people in Georgia. Education is a powerful tool to combat prejudice and strengthen solidarity. Support and Solidarity We stand by the Georgian LGBT community in their fight for equality and justice. We call on our partners, friends, and the international community to voice their support and take action to uphold LGBT rights in Georgia. A Call to Action We urgently call on the Government of Georgia to: Reject the bill that discriminates against LGBT people. Implement proactive measures to ensure the safety and rights of LGBT individuals. Launch public campaigns that promote tolerance, diversity, and inclusion. Collaborate with national and international organizations to improve the situation of LGBT people in Georgia. Appeal to the European Parliament and Diplomatic Representatives We urge the European Parliament and representatives of the diplomatic corps to take measures against the pro-Russian government of Georgia. Raise your voices and take action to hold accountable all MPs who support this discriminatory legislation. We believe in a world where everyone has the freedom to be themselves, without fear of persecution or discrimination. Together, we can create a fairer and more inclusive society for all. Thank you for your attention and support.


Vandaag kan iedereen tekenen en bevestigen vanuit email! Dank je!.

Nu wachten op petitieloket

Petitie binnen gedaan, nu wachten op goedkeuring van de moderator om te beginnen stemmen..

update 13 augustus 2024

de petitie is ingediend , 144 handtekening, top. dank u voor de steun .

update 11 augustus 2024

beste mensen, in totaal heb ik 140 handtekeningen, 70 van de bewoners van de wijk en 70 van mensen solidair met de actie , ik sluit de petitie nu af omdat in volle vakantie er geen bijkomende handtekeningen zullen worden verzameld. Ik ben bij ongeveer 2/3 van de bewoners van onze wijk langsgeweest en daarvan heeft ongeveer 85-90% ondertekend, of informatie gevraagd bij de gemeente of beide.

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Indien de openbare enquete buiten de vakantie zou hebben plaatsgevonden, je kan er zeker van zijn dat meer inwoners van Genappe zouden hebben getekend, alleen al de Yogis onder ons. Enfin ik dank iedereen die me heeft geholpen en aangemoedigd om dit tot een goed einde te brengen. Volgende stappen, inlevering petitie bij de gemeente 13 aug. as. , uitleg aan mevrouw femal (dossierbeheerder) op 20 aug, en ik heb mezelf ter beschikking gesteld om de uitleg zelf aan het college te doen (nog geen antwoord); Mevrouw Femal is uitgenodig om ter plekke te situatie in zich op te nemen (vanuit mijn huis en tuin). na het college volgt het advies van giser en daarna buigt de regio zich nog over het dossier. Verwachte uitspraak : midden november 2024 !!

Petitie naar finale stappen om geopend te worden

Er worden reeds stappen ondergaan om deze petitie actief te maken dus ondertekenbaar..

24-07-2024 | Petitie Hack Squat Basic-Fit Bredene

update 23 juli

Afspraak proberen te maken met de dossierbeheerder bij de gemeente om de petitie persoonlijk te komen overhandigen met uitleg voor 13 augustus, nog geen antwoord gehad.

update 22 juli

ik ga langs alle bewoners van onze wijk en het is niet evident midden in de vakantie, degene die ik treft , daarvan voelen de meeste mensen zich betrokken en tekenen, sommige voelen zich geroepen om de gemeente ook te contacteren. Dit project is er 'un de trop' de mensen zijn de overlast allerhande kotsbeu en voelen zich niet gehoord door het gemeentebestuur.